Global Briefing: Ireland
Please join Dr. Stan Wallace on Saturday, November 28 at 3 pm ET for an informal visit with a Global Scholars professor teaching science at a leading university in…
Please join Dr. Stan Wallace on Saturday, November 28 at 3 pm ET for an informal visit with a Global Scholars professor teaching science at a leading university in…
GLOBAL BRIEFING: IRELAND - SAVE THE DATE! Saturday, November 28, 2:00-3:00PM Central Please join me for an informal visit with a Global Scholars professor teaching science at a leading university…
Is your child like Ryan? This new video is part of our completely redesigned website. Take a tour when you get a chance, and let others know if you…
You are making a difference! Natia* is a professor of biology in the South Pacific. Kwame* is a professor of physics in Africa. Munni* is a professor of literature in South Asia.
I am thrilled to let you know the Global Scholars 2019-2020 Annual Report is now available. Your generosity this past year was used by God in amazing ways! Thank you so…
Making a Difference During These Challenging Times The Global Scholars 2020 Virtual GalaSaturday, August 22During the Global Scholars Virtual Gala we...Heard from Christian professors making a difference for Christ in the…
Life has been very different for Global Scholars professors worldwide - most of whom finished the school year using online instruction. Yet, even in these challenging times, I’ve heard many encouraging stories.…
You are making a huge difference! In the past academic year, you have made it possible for 390 Christian professors to connect with one another and be equipped to share God's…
If you’re like me, you probably enjoy a good story. Some of my favorite stories are about Christian professors who teach and share their faith in universities around the world. These people who are faithfully serving the Lord in academia are my heroes. I recently had the opportunity to travel through Eastern Europe, sit across the table from some of them, and hear their stories in person. One professor I got to speak with is Dr. Josh Hayden, who recently moved with his family to the Czech Republic. While you may not be able to sit across the table from the Haydens, you can hear some of their story and heart to see the Lord at work in higher education.
Perhaps the most well-known Advent song is the haunting hymn “O Come, O Come Emmanuel.” The song celebrates that “Emmanuel” has come – that the Almighty God has come in the form of a baby boy and dwelt among his people – God with us.