Dr. Jan Habl sensed God leading him to study education. He is now an education professor at a leading university in Europe. There he is finding that God has new and exciting uses for Jan’s expertise as COVID-19 forces many students to learn virtually. He writes:
Besides my regular lecturing at the university, I also have opportunities to reach listeners at educational or pedagogical conferences. The present situation opened an interesting discussion about the purpose and goal of education.
As parents teach their children at home these days and are overwhelmed with the amount of learning stuff (curriculum), they wonder not only what is the purpose of all the studies, but also what exactly it is that their children need to know to be good and well-educated people. They find many things redundant, even ridiculous.
I have been lecturing on these subjects for years – what makes us really humane, what we need to know, learn, and do, etc., but not many people wanted to listen. Now people are open and attentive. I posted a video on this subject on YouTube and the next day it had two thousand views. … It seems to be a good opportunity. I will appreciate your prayers for wisdom.
Last week I was invited to speak on the local radio station. They asked me what I think the world will be like when everything goes back to normal. I said the world has not been normal before, in fact, it has never been normal. The world is broken and has been broken ever since Adam and Eve.
I also told them I believe this is an opportunity to meditate on our brokenness and start doing things differently. … The lady asked me if I think the Earth wants to tell us something. My response was: Earth is not our mother. Maybe it is our Creator that wants to tell us something….
[Over the] next two months I will have one-hour interviews every other Thursday in Hradec Králové National Theatre. They are closed now, so they do live streams of short performances and interviews with guests. I pray for wisdom.
I also continue to write books. It is one of the key tools in communication with my students. My last book, on understanding human nature and its relation to moral education, received an award from the rector of our university.
Jan is a beacon of hope among his students and colleagues. And through his media appearances and books, he is having an even greater influence in his nation (and beyond).
Thank you for equipping men and women like Jan to share the love, truth, and grace of Christ via their unique platform as Christian professors.
As we approach the end of the calendar year, I invite you to consider an extra gift to Global Scholars, to help us equip more Christian professors like Jan to share God’s Word and the love of Christ with their students, colleagues, and nations in 2021.

As a way to celebrate Thanksgiving by giving thanks for what God is doing in the world, please join me in a Zoom call on Saturday, November 28 at 3 pm ET. I will be visiting with a Global Scholars professor teaching science at a leading university in Ireland.
He will share how he shows faith and science are compatible, both in the classroom, as well as in public lectures and debates with atheists. I will also chat with his wife, who uses her gift of hospitality to welcome students into their home where they together can minister to students.
During the first half-hour, I will ask them to share how they are making a difference for Christ in post-Christian Ireland. In the second half-hour, you will have the opportunity to ask them your questions.
Register here to join us! https://global-scholars.org/global-briefing-ireland/