I usually share a story about a particular professor who, with your support, is making a difference for Christ on a university campus. But this month, as we have just passed the midway point of our year, I want to broaden the scope to your global impact.
You are now helping equip 311 Christian professors in 49 nations, who are directly influencing 52,000 students this year, along with countless more through their presence on campus. (See my personal story of how a professor from whom I never took a class still had a deep influence in my life when I was a student: www.global-scholars.org.)
And the number of Christian professors being equipped continues to grow! Since July, an average of two new professors a week have joined the movement, seeking to become equipped as Christ’s ambassadors on campus and (through their publications) beyond their own campus. The region of the world where we are equipping the most Christian professors is the United States, followed closely by English-speaking Africa.
We are well on our way to the next prayer and strategic goal we have set: equipping 800 Christian professors in 60 nations to influence 134,000 students a year by 2023. Please continue to pray with us toward this goal.
Thank you again for the crucial role you play in equipping more and more Christian professors worldwide to be salt and light for Christ among their students and colleagues. We pray with you that as these students graduate and become leaders in their nations, God will use them greatly in their countries!
For Christ and the university,

Join me as I visit on Zoom with a Global Scholars professor influencing students for Christ at a leading university in Mexico. I will email a Zoom link soon.

New episode of the College Faith Podcast: "A Practical Guide to Navigating University Culture" with my guest John Stonestreet, President of the Colson Center for Christian Worldview. I think you will enjoy and benefit from our conversation!

Please join us in praying daily for Christian professors around the world! Download our February prayer calendar.