Renew Higher Education
Equip more professors to influence more students and colleagues worldwide for Christ!
A gift to the Global Scholars General Fund equips more Christian professors in more nations to share the love and truth of Christ. A recurring gift increases your impact month after month!
For donations by check, our mailing address is:
P.O. Box 12147 Overland Park, KS 66282
What is taught in our classrooms today will be believed in our streets tomorrow. Ideas do have consequences!
More than ever, we need Christian professors who proclaim biblical truth and model God’s love, grace, and peace. The ripple effect is beyond imagination.
A gift to the General Fund will equip more Christian professors in more nations to be salt and light in our hurting world.
Please consider a recurring gift to increase your impact month after month!
To make a stock gift, please contact our office at (913) 962-4422 x302.
Contact us to learn more about including Global Scholars in your will.
Our Tax ID is 56-1627401
Do you need to update or change your giving information? View the Donor Dashboard.

- Global Scholars Registration #CH10999
- 1-800-HELP-FLA (435-7352)