Global Scholars has over thirty years of experience helping Christian professors represent Christ in universities worldwide. Over 100 Christian professors have served as consultants, aiding us in developing programs and services most needed by Christian professors serving Christ in secular universities. 

Our fifteen programs and services are summarized here.

Connecting Christian Professors

  • Local Communities – Helping Christian professors meet in person regularly for encouragement, equipping, and outreach.
  • Disciplinary Communities – Helping Christian professors in particular nations and disciplines meet in a secure online environment to discuss how they can better fulfill God’s call to be his ambassadors in their countries and fields of study.
  • Networking – Providing a way for Christian professors to identify one another globally and across disciplines through a database searchable by location, academic discipline, or research interests.
  • Group Video Conferencing – Offering Christian professors a secure, online environment to talk with one another one-to-one or in small groups to collaborate and sharpen one another “as iron sharpens iron” (Proverbs 27:17).

Equipping Christian Professors

  • Mentoring – More seasoned Christian professors helping less experienced colleagues develop spiritually, professionally, and missionally so they can be more effective for Christ in higher education.
  • Seminars and Conferences – Providing opportunities for Christian professors to meet in person at local, regional, national, and international events and receive training in a range of ministry skills and abilities.
  • Webinars – Hosting monthly online conversations where Christian professors can learn from one of their colleagues who is having success serving Christ in higher education.
  • Curricula – Developing study guides to help Christian professors love God more deeply and serve him more ably. The study guides are drawn from our Resource Library and are useful to professors personally and in small-group settings.
  • Regional Consultants – Growing a team of specialists in faculty ministry to connect and equip Christian professors, contextualizing these programs and services in their various regions of the world.

Resourcing Christian Professors

  • Resource Library – Hosting an online library containing the best materials available in the six content areas a Christian professor must master to be most effective for Christ in higher education. Content experts in each area continually acquire and make available these resources from around the world.
  • Research Databases – Offering Christian scholars access to online academic journals. This is especially helpful to professors in majority-world universities that lack adequate library holdings. This access allows them to contribute to important discussions in their fields through publishing their research. In many cases, it also helps them maintain their positions in their universities, as publishing is often required for continued employment or advancement.
  • Editorial Services – Providing seasoned editors to help Christian professors publish their ideas. This is especially helpful to scholars who do not speak English as their first language, as most academic journals are published in English.
  • Job Board – Indexing university positions available worldwide, for Christian scholars searching for a place to serve.
  • Grants – Making funds available to help Christian professors access the training and resources needed to serve Christ with excellence. These grants are especially helpful to professors in areas of the world that provide very low salaries.

Sending Christian Professors

  • Fellows Program — Providing pastoral care and accounting services for Christian professors called to serve Christ in universities outside their home countries sent by Global Scholars through 2019. Explore here for more information on pursuing a university position globally.