I’m starting a new podcast to help Christian students thrive in both heart and mind during their college years (whether attending a secular or Christian college or university), and I want you to be among the first who know! The podcast will also be helpful to parents, grandparents, and others who care about someone in college, or heading that way.

I began university ministry in 1985. Over the years I’ve learned a few things that Christian students should understand to flourish both spiritually and academically during these pivotal years. I’ve always enjoyed sharing what I’ve learned with students and parents when asked.

However, and more importantly, I’ve had the great privilege to meet many men and women with far more experience and wisdom in various areas of college life than I have. I have often wished that I could introduce them to friends with questions. Now I can!

Beginning in January I’ll post one interview a month discussing topics vital to doing well during the college years. (Before launch I did three interviews that are available now.)

Please visit the College Faith website and subscribe. Or subscribe through your favorite podcast platform. You won’t be disappointed!

Keith Campbell, Program Development Vice President, is looking for a motivated Christ-follower passionate about faith and scholarship to join his international team by volunteering remotely for the Society of Christian Scholars for up to 2 hours a week to develop the Society’s Member Site Job Board. If you or someone you know is interested, please email kcampbell@global-scholars.org for more details.

College Faith Podcast: Exploring the Intersection of Christian Conviction and Higher Education

"This is a very unique and critically important podcast. It was an honor to be Dr. Wallace's guest and discuss issues that college students are facing, and how to integrate biblical teaching into their academic majors."
-J. P. Moreland, Ph.D., Distinguished Professor of Philosophy, Talbot School of Theology, Biola University