Your support of Global Scholars is equipping Christian professors around the world. Because of you, they are finding community with other believers in academia. “As iron sharpens iron (Proverbs 27:17),” they are encouraging one another to be salt and light in universities, to love God with their hearts and minds, and to share His grace and truth better with students and colleagues.
Two Christian scholars in Latin America recently shared with us what the Society of Christian Scholars has meant to them. With your support, Global Scholars launched the Society of Christian Scholars in 2019. It equips indigenous academics through programs ranging from mentorship to local campus fellowships for Christian faculty. This new strategy has dramatically increased the number of Christian professors whom you are helping to equip.
Lionel told us:
“This year I met the Society of Christian Scholars, and from the first moment, I saw it as a place that I longed for. The space shared with Iván, Omar, and the others in the Society was a place that enabled difficult questions, fraternal accompaniment, and serious discussions, with the common objective of knowing more and loving God better. At the same time, we learned and encouraged each other to live out the Great Commission. As a Christian who does science, the Society is a great blessing to my faith and profession.”
Mateo is also grateful for how you are helping him bring his faith into his academic work. He said:
“This year in the Society of Christian Scholars, I discovered other colleagues who are interested in bringing Christ to their work environment. (It seems like there are not, but there are in fact academic Christians out there.) I also learned how important it is that our whole life is [integrated] with the gospel. Challenges were planted in my heart to learn to love God in my profession in the next year.”
Lionel and Mateo are just two of the professors whom you are helping to have an influence for the Kingdom in their universities and their academic disciplines. Thank you for standing with them, and hundreds like them, as they share Jesus with their students and colleagues. May God bless you for your generous concern.
For Christ and the university,
The italicized names have been changed to protect privacy.
My guest in this episode of the College Faith podcast is Scott Phelps, Executive Director of the Abstinence & Marriage Education Partnership. For many years now Scott has spoken to students about the great, long-term benefits of saving sex for marriage, and so I’ve invited him onto the show to share some of what he has learned, and how others have found his insights helpful.
This episode of the Thinking Christianly podcast is the second in a series about Free Will, Compatibilism, and Determinism. JP Moreland and I discuss the points of agreement and disagreement between the Calvinist and Arminian views of salvation. This good-faith conversation will help listeners consider the implications of these beliefs, especially as they relate to our understanding of God’s nature, our nature, and the gospel message.
Our March prayer calendar is now posted on our website. Download the prayer calendar to pray for professors, students, and current needs in higher education.

Join the Global Scholars Leadership Team and special guest Dr. Marlene Hines for a virtual town hall on April 8, 2024. You will learn more about God’s work through The Society of Christian Scholars in the Caribbean and around the world. Dr. Hines will also be sharing about her role with The Society of Christian Scholars online resource library.