When you support Global Scholars, you equip future leaders who will influence their countries for the gospel. Leaders who are salt and light make a dramatic difference in the direction of society. I was thinking today about one specific professor who demonstrates the power of this outreach strategy.
David was a young man from West Africa working towards his Ph.D. in geology when he connected with the Society of Christian Scholars. As he was finishing his doctorate, he received training and mentorship that you helped to provide. Through that equipping, he learned about integrating faith and the life of the mind. He gained a deeper understanding of how a career in academia could advance God’s kingdom. He received research grants that helped him complete his Ph.D.
Now David is a professor of geology at a university in West Africa. Not only that, but he is one of the most respected geologists in the country. Mining is one of this country’s most important industries, so David will have opportunities to consult with businesses, speak to the media, and shape public policy. David is deeply committed to stewarding his professional opportunities to make Christ known, something you helped him understand more deeply during his Ph.D. program.
David is also committed to giving back through the Society of Christian Scholars. He serves on the grant evaluation committee and wants to see other emerging scholars benefit from the equipping that he received.
This is just one example of how you are influencing leaders around the world. In the 2022-2023 academic year, you helped to equip 1,159 professors through Global Scholars. That’s 1,159 Christian academics who, like David, are seeking to be salt and light.
Thank you so much for investing in lasting change. I am grateful for you!
For Christ and the university,
The italicized name has been changed to protect privacy.
Listen to the January episode of the College Faith podcast. My guest today is Rick Mattson, a national apologetics specialist and evangelism coach with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. He often does open Q&A sessions on college campuses in which he is asked for insights on how to understand LGBTQ+ issues in ways that embody both truth and love. We discuss some of what he shares on this important topic.
This episode of the Thinking Christianly podcast is the first in a series about Free Will, Compatibilism, and Determinism. JP Moreland and I start by clearing up some of the major confusions that plague this conversation. We share how to have this discussion with clarity, keep the focus on the claims, and avoid confusion.
Our February prayer calendar is now posted on our website. Download the prayer calendar to pray for professors, students, and current needs in higher education.
Global Scholars has a current opening for the Operations and Finance Manager. Please review the position description and submit your resume, with a cover letter to skleinschmidt@global-scholars.

Join the Global Scholars Leadership Team and special guest Dr. Marlene Hines for a virtual town hall on April 8, 2024. You will learn more about God’s work through The Society of Christian Scholars in the Caribbean and around the world. Dr. Hines will also be sharing about her role with The Society of Christian Scholars online resource library.