
Salt, Light, and Geology
When you support Global Scholars, you equip future leaders who will influence their countries for the gospel. Leaders who are salt and light make a

Science and the Bible Working Together
As we look forward to 2024, I am so grateful for your support of Global Scholars. You are helping professors around the world engage students

Gingerbread and the Good News of Christmas
This Christmas season, I pray that you and your loved ones may have meaningful opportunities to celebrate the birth of Jesus. The Christmas holiday provides

“I thought I was the only Christian professor…”
This month in the United States, we celebrate Thanksgiving. I am thankful for you and for your investment in professors and students around the world. Because

Sharing Jesus Through a Bowl of Soup
Christian professors have unique opportunities to share Christ’s grace and truth. Sometimes, those opportunities happen in the classroom. Sometimes, though, they happen over a bowl