As a child, I was very familiar with the Christmas song, “All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth.” (That is probably stuck in your head now, sorry about that)
We posed this question to some of our professors: All I want for Christmas is ______. Here are some of their answers:
All I want for Christmas is my students to stop losing family members, for them to find relief from anxiety and depression. It’s been a heavy semester for them.
All I want for Christmas is an end to Covid.
All I want for Christmas is for Nigerian children to be able to fulfill the hopes and dreams that sparkle in their eyes. I want to help [prepare teachers to] provide an education that gives young children the skills they need to be able to achieve their dreams – not just cognitive skills, but also loving social skills, Christ-like character, and vibrant spiritual growth.
Please pray for our professors all over the world as they serve students, share the love and lordship of Christ with them and as they celebrate the birth of our King with their families.
Thank you for the crucial role you play in sharing Christ with students everywhere.
Listen to the December episode of the College Faith podcast. My guest is Dr. Tim Muehlhoff, professor of Communication at Biola University. We discuss how to respond when your faith is challenged in class.
In a recent episode of the Thinking Christianly podcast, JP Moreland and I discuss “What is the soul and why should we care?”