Last month, I shared how Global Scholars professor Tim and his wife Catherine hosted a movie night that sparked some deep spiritual discussions. If you missed that story, you can read it here. The movie night led to a follow-up Bible study with even deeper questions. Here is what Tim shared with me:
During the Bible study, which focused on John 1:1-18, the students seemed genuinely interested. Many of them had never opened a Bible before. One girl asked what a “Gospel” was and how we know it was written by John.
As we got more deeply into the text, the questions became more sharply focused. As they were puzzling over “He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him” (verse 11), one young woman suggested, “It’s like a guy who builds a house and lets another family live in it, and then they tell the owner he is not welcome there.” GREAT image! When we were talking about the light shining in the darkness, and how the world’s darkness was a symbol for human evil, one young man asked, “So if everyone is so enveloped in darkness, how in the world could they relate to Jesus? How could Jesus relate to them?” Another great question. I said that Jesus had this amazing purity of spirit, and yet he loved hanging out with disreputable people, like the woman at the well. He responded, “So … they didn’t rub off on him, but he rubbed off on them.” I answered, “Yep, that’s what I take away from it.”
I had to be flexible because these students, all very bright, were starting from a baseline knowledge of zero. What impressed me most, however, was how honest and intense a lot of the questions were, but without the exchanges ever becoming combative. There was a real gentleness with this group. Wonderful stuff.
Please pray that the truth shared in this study will lead to lasting fruit in the lives of these students. Thank you for being part of the work of Global Scholars. I am grateful for your investment in professors and students around the world!
Italicized names have been changed to protect identities.
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