Life has been very different for Global Scholars professors worldwide – most of whom finished the school year using online instruction. Yet, even in these challenging times, I’ve heard many encouraging stories.

Brian and Kathy Edwards moved to the Philippines last year for Brian to teach theology and philosophy at the International Graduate School of Leadership. One of Brian’s courses was “Death and Future Things,” which took on special meaning.
He had the opportunity to have many conversations with students during and outside of class about the COVID-19 pandemic. Brian regularly invited his students to view what is happening in our world through a biblical/theological lens.
Even though the year looked much different than expected, Brian and Kathy saw God at work in many ways. Brian reflected on a graduating student returning to his home country, Pakistan, to teach God’s truth there:
“Hakim* is burdened to equip the saints back home in the vastly Muslim country of Pakistan. The relatively few Christians have such poor theology that he believes [poor theology] may be hindering the gospel and the growth of the Church. So Hakim wants to start a Bible college. He’s a powerfully built guy who has the spirit of a teddy bear.
*Name changed for security purposes.
He’s constantly intercepting me on campus to ask this or that question of theology, but also to ask me what I would say in this or that evangelistic situation. These are not hypotheticals, but actual witnessing situations he has encountered. Before I give him any input, I ask him to fill me on how he responded to the question he is putting to me. I always walk away, shaking my head at his gentle wisdom, for he’s a student of the Word, and he obviously cares much about people.”
Despite all the chaos around us, there is so much encouragement in the stories of Brian, Kathy, and Hakim. God is at work on university campuses around the world–and you are a vital part of these stories. Your generosity, support, and encouragement make this influence possible!
Please continue to pray for opportunities for professors and their families to be salt and light during these difficult times. Pray also for leaders like Hakim, who are returning to their nations to share Christ’s love in difficult places.