Thank you for being part of the work of Global Scholars. Because of you, university students around the world are encountering God’s truth in a variety of ways. I recently received this update from Alex and Megan, who serve with Global Scholars in Eastern Europe. I thought it would encourage you to hear how God is at work in the lives of students like Murad.

My (Alex’s) office has a lot of drawings and paintings done by our children. Sometimes, after they have finished their latest depiction of our family, a rainbow, or flowers, they will give it to me and say, “Daddy, put this in your office.” I oblige, even though they have already given me several that look nearly identical. The bulletin boards in my office display some of my favorites.

Recently, Murad, a senior Middle Eastern student, commented on the drawings in my office. His comment reminded me of an article I recently read that challenges the readers to see the world with more wonder, similar to how children do. Sometimes adults find the same thing over and over to be monotonous, but children delight in repetition, like drawing the same flower again and again. The article draws from G.K. Chesterton and argues we learn about God by seeing the world like a child. God does not tire of painting a new sunset or sunrise every 24 hours. In fact, he is constantly painting a new sunset and sunrise somewhere on the earth.

Responding to Murad’s comment, I briefly told him about the article. He reflected that this is something he has never really thought about until recently, but that just earlier that week his mother shared a similar thought. His mother is in the US and shared that she is seeing and learning so much about God from observing nature on her walks.

Murad and his family are from a Muslim background, but it seems that his view of God has been expanding. Pray that he will have an open heart to the truth.

This conversation with Murad reminds us that most of ministry is in ordinary moments and ordinary things. We are continually thankful for the ministry of our children, who are vital to what we do here. And we are thankful for our God who reveals his invisible qualities through nature and through 4-year-olds with a box of colored pencils.

I am so grateful to you for your investment in the lives of students like Murad. Please pray for God’s work in his life. And please pray for many more opportunities like this one for those who serve with Global Scholars to share spiritual truth.

For Christ and the university,


The italicized names have been changed to protect privacy.

 Listen to the July episode of the College Faith podcast. I continue my sporadic series on various college majors students may choose. To discuss the field of Communications, I’ve invited back Dr. Tim Muelhlhoff, professor or Communications at Biola University. 

This episode of the Thinking Christianly podcast is part of a series about Free Will, Compatibilism, and Determinism. JP Moreland and I start by clearing up some of the major confusions that plague this conversation. We share how to have this discussion with clarity, keep the focus on the claims, and avoid confusion. 

Our August prayer calendar is now posted on our website. Download the prayer calendar to pray for professors, students, and current needs in higher education. 

Join the Global Scholars Leadership Team for a virtual town hall on September 17, 2024 at 8 PM EST/7 PM CST. We will be sharing progress from the 2023-2024 academic year and highlights of what is in store for the next year. You will not want to miss this encouraging update about the impact of your support!