The world in which we live is like a labyrinth with many twists and turns that challenge our thinking. Such a Mind as This explores the place of intellect in the Christian life through a comprehensive biblical-theological approach to the place of the mind in the Old Testament. Dr. Richard Smith promotes a spirituality that includes thinking rightly according to God’s requirements for the intellectual pursuits of his people. This work motivates readers to strive for mental piety, wisdom, and intellectual development for God’s glory on this side of eternity.
Dr. Richard Smith earned a Masters of Arts in Religion from Westminster Theological Seminary in 1992 and a Doctorate in Historical Theology in 1996. From 1995 to 2001, he ministered in Prague, Czech Republic, with the International Institute for Christian Studies (now Global Scholars).
In Prague, Dr. Smith taught a variety of subjects to non-Christians at the Anglo-American College such as: Comparative Religions, Intellectual History, The Bible as Literature, Ecclesiastes, and Business Ethics. He established evangelical relationships with students through movie discussions, Bible studies, and spending time together. He also served as the Interim President of the college for one year and served on the university’s Founders Board until 2019.
Dr. Smith also co-established the Komenský Institute of Prague (a non-profit educational foundation) published articles about missions in the Evangelical Missions Quarterly and presented papers at various conferences. Dr. Smith also served as an Adjunct Professor of New Testament at Biblical Evangelical Seminary in the United States.
Since 2010, He has lived and ministered in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and serves as a Senior Advisor for Global Scholars. He also manages a website and blog, Cosmovisión Bíblica (Biblical Worldview), teaches and speaks, develops curriculum, and mentors students.