From time to time, we receive testimonials from those whom you are helping to equip through the Society of Christian Scholars. I recently received this note from Ivan, a university student in Argentina. I wanted to pass it along to you, as I thought you would be encouraged how your investment in Global Scholars is multiplying around the world:
The Society of Christian Scholars has had a strong redemptive influence in my life. It all started providentially when I met the Society’s Regional Representative, Omar Montero, through a video about the Society of Christian Scholars and got in touch through Facebook. He invited me to a meeting of a group dedicated to discussing a biblical worldview. Since that day, thank God, I have stayed in close communication.
From the first days after my conversion, I had a great passion and curiosity for reading the Bible and all theological works. I remember that I did not want to study for any university degree but only wanted to learn more about Christianity and theology. But God through his Word, especially Acts 17:16-32, awakened in me a call to study philosophy. This call was also clarified through certain readings on worldview and apologetics. Everything led me to realize that God was calling me to the academic field, to be a Christian who can exert influence in that context that is so in need of and hostile to Christianity. Before I started my studies, I always wanted to meet a group of Christians at the university, but I didn’t see anything around me.
This academic calling was strengthened and consolidated by the lives of Omar and a Society of Christian Scholars volunteer, Richard Smith. Both helped me to love God with my mind and to develop intellectual piety. They have always accompanied me in my university walk.
The Society has given me a vision and a mission as a Christian involved in the academy. It has given me not only tools, but a platform to serve God by coordinating outreach among emerging Christian academics.
Thank you for helping Ivan and others like him to love God with their minds and to renew the university and the broader culture. You are making a difference by providing community and equipping resources. May God bless you!
In this episode of the Thinking Christianly podcast, J.P. Moreland and I do a case study of someone who wove together a number of the themes we have talked about in earlier episodes, including the importance of a commitment to truth and the life of the mind, being a part of a vibrant faith community, dealing with challenges, and being faithful to God’s call. These lessons from the life of philosopher Edmund Husserl, as well as some of his philosophical insights, provide great encouragement and challenge for Christians today.
My guest in this episode of the College Faith podcast is Dr. Rob Bowman, an expert on cults and heretical Christian sects. He is also a biblical scholar who has, since 1984, written 14 books and dozens of articles defending the truth of Christianity against error. In this episode, we discuss how to understand and avoid cults on campus.