
Stan Wallace, D.Min.

President and CEO

JT Smith

Board Chair

Vice Presidents

Keith Campbell, Ph.D.

Program Development Vice President

Stephen Garrett, Ph.D.

Curriculum Vice President

Lynn Simons

Operations and Finance Vice President

Board of Directors

JT Smith, MBA; Chair, President, Service Transformation Solutions LLC

John B. Draper, M.D., F.A.A.F.P.; Treasurer, Former president Christian Scholars Foundation

Garianne Howard; Nuclear engineer (retired)

Professor Hayward Mafuyai; Professor & former Vice-Chancellor, University of Jos, Nigeria

Andy M. Trammel, Ph.D.; Pharmaceutical Chemist (retired)

Stan Wallace, D.Min.; CEO and President, Global Scholars

Board of Reference

Cameron J. Anderson, M.F.A.; Associate Director, Upper House
Robert C. Andringa, Ph.D.; President Emeritus, Council for Christian Colleges & Universities
Walter Bradley, Ph.D.; Distinguished Professor of Engineering, Baylor University
Paul Copan, Ph.D.; Professor and Pledger Family Chair of Philosophy and Ethics, Palm Beach Atlantic University
Christy Moran Craft, Ph.D.; Associate Professor of Education, Kansas State University
William Lane Craig, Ph.D.; Professor of Philosophy, Talbot School of Theology and Houston Baptist University
Andy Crouch; Author and Journalist
Henry Deneen, J.D., D.Min; Executive Director, Center for Global Strategies, Ltd.
Kenneth G. Elzinga, Ph.D.; Robert C. Taylor Professor of Economics, University of Virginia
Kenn Freedman, M.D., Ph.D.; Associate Professor of Ophthalmology, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
Bob Fryling; Publisher (ret.), InterVarsity Press
Cherie Harder; President, Trinity Forum
Jeff Hardin, Ph.D.; Professor and Chair, Department of Zoology, University of Wisconsin
William High, J.D.; President and CEO, The Signatry
Alec Hill, J.D.; President Emeritus, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship
Tim Hoeksema; Founder, President and CEO (ret.), Midwest Airlines
Robert Kaita, Ph.D.; Principal Research Physicist, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Kelly Monroe Kullberg; Founder, Veritas Forum, Founder, America Conservancy; Author/Editor of Finding God at Harvard
Mike Metzger; President, Clapham Institute
Aimee Minnich, J.D.; Co-founder & General Counsel, Impact Foundation
J.P. Moreland, Ph.D.; Distinguished Professor of Philosophy, Talbot School of Theology, Biola University
Mary Poplin, Ph.D.; Professor of Education (ret.), Claremont Graduate University
Scott Rae, Ph.D.; Dean of Faculty, Professor of Christian Ethics, Talbot School of Theology, Biola University
Harold B. Smith; President and CEO (ret.), Christianity Today, International
John Stonestreet; President, Colson Center for Christian Worldview
Andrew H. Trotter Jr., Ph.D.; Senior Scholar, Consortium of Christian Study Centers
Edwin Yamauchi, Ph.D.; Professor of History Emeritus, Miami University; Past President, Conference on Faith and History
Kevin J. Vanhoozer, Ph.D.; Research Professor of Systematic Theology, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Trinity International University
Bee-Lan Wang, Ph.D.; Consultant, Author, Speaker on Education and Human Services