Have We Lost Our Minds?
With advances in neuroscience, many Christians are confused about what the soul is and its role in human flourishing. This confusion is rapidly increasing through the writings of “neurotheologians” such as Curt Thompson and Jim Wilder, who imply our brains are ultimately the cause of our thoughts, beliefs, desires, choices, and very identity.
This book identifies and corrects the wrong assumptions of neurotheologians, outlines a biblically and philosophically sound understanding of our soul and its relation to the body, and illustrates how this understanding is the right path toward more fully loving God and loving others.
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Why I Wrote This Book
Given the growing prominence of neurotheology, we must be careful to follow the Lord’s admonition in 1 Thessalonians 5:21: “Examine everything; hold firmly to that which is good.” I serve with Global Scholars, a ministry that equips Christian professors to be the “aroma of Christ” (2 Cor 2:15) in higher education globally. In my role, I regularly encourage Christian professors to consider how they may serve Christ by engaging the ideas in their fields of study from a biblical worldview. In what follows, I will attempt to practice what I preach, examining the ideas of neurotheology from my areas of expertise so as to determine what is true and therefore what is right and good to believe.”
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About the Author

Stan has been involved in helping others “think Christianly” since 1985 when he began ministering to university students. He became more engaged in these topics in 1992 when his focus shifted to ministry among university professors, leading him to graduate studies in philosophy and Christian thought. Over the past several decades Stan has published in ministry and academic journals, contributed to a number of books, and edited several others. He currently serves as President of Global Scholars, a ministry equipping Christian scholars worldwide to have a redemptive influence among their students, colleagues, universities, and academic disciplines.