Our professors have opportunities to influence their students everyday. But they also have opportunities to influence their colleagues. “Timothy,” who teaches in Europe, shared one such story with us….
“This week a professor colleague shared a profound spiritual experience with me that he said he couldn’t talk to any of his atheist friends about. I am his only believing friend here. His encounter came just before his roommate was found dead with no apparent cause. He is grieving and asking some big questions about faith. This colleague and I discussed deep questions like the Trinity, and I was able to speak from my own personal experiences. The whole conversation took place walking through the Old Town of [our city] where some “witnesses” are remembered in stone. It was again an encouragement to continue to show up with the eyes of faith in people’s lives, to bring comfort and bear witness to what we know and have seen.”
Please pray for Timothy, his colleague, and all who are grieving and questioning faith. May we all “show up with the eyes of faith in people’s lives.”
Thank you for the crucial role you play in equipping professors like Timothy, to entrust God’s truth to their colleagues…and all those their colleagues will in turn influence for Christ!
The annual Global Scholars gala is happening in two days! The event will be held VIRTUALLY THIS THURSDAY, November 4, 7:00 – 7:45pm CT.
There is no cost to attend and it is not too late to join us. Participate in our Silent Auction, hear from our professors in the field and much more.
Join us on Thursday!
Listen to the November episode of the College Faith podcast. My guest is Mr. Greg Jao, InterVarsity/USA Executive Vice President–Communications & Mobilization. We discuss how InterVarsity/USA ministers to college students.
In a recent episode of the Thinking Christianly podcast, JP Moreland and I discuss “What is Human Flourishing and How Do We Achieve It?”