One unique way in which Global Scholars professors share God’s grace and truth with students is through hospitality in their homes. Movie nights, dinners, holiday celebrations—all these activities provide opportunities to show care and have deeper conversations.

I was reminded of the amazing effectiveness of our professors’ hospitality ministries when I saw a recent update from Fred and Julie, who serve with Global Scholars in Western Europe.

Eight students from Fred’s fourth-year physics class were interested in coming for dinner, but we couldn’t get a day that worked for them all. So, instead of one dinner, we had two dinners, one on Monday and the second on Friday, with four students at each. The first group came at 6 p.m. and left at 2 a.m. The second group came at 6 p.m. and left at 1:30 a.m.!

The smaller groups meant we could sit at our dinner table, rather than serve buffet style. We could also go through our normal dinner routine, which includes our reading of Scripture and praying for a family from our prayer basket. I explained before people sat down that this is what we have done now for over 30 years, but they were absolutely free to leave the table if they were uncomfortable. We don’t want anyone feeling manipulated or coerced. Everyone was happy to stay at both dinners. We felt both dinners allowed for meaningful conversation.

Please pray for good fruit from these dinners and for continued conversations with the students who attended. And please pray that God will use the many other examples of hospitality by Global Scholars professors to open hearts to the gospel. I am thankful to you for sharing in this ministry.

For Christ and the university,


The italicized names have been changed to protect privacy.

On this episode of the College Faith podcast, we discuss sorting through the mountain of college recruitment materials. My guest is Dr. Shirley Roels, who serves as the Executive Director of the International Network for Christian Higher Education. She has also been a career counselor and a marketing professor focused on nonprofit marketing. She speaks from her experience as someone who made mistakes when selecting a college but did a better job helping her two sons in their selection process. 

On this episode of the Thinking Christianly podcast, J.P. Moreland and I continue our series and discuss Chapter 4 of my new book Have We Lost Our Minds?: Neuroscience, Neurotheology, the Soul, and Human Flourishing. We discuss why it isn’t possible to reduce mental properties to physical events, what Dallas Willard meant when he talked about the nature of the body, and more. 

Our  March prayer calendar is now posted on our website. Download the prayer calendar to pray for professors, students, and current needs in higher education. 

As a parent or grandparent, you might worry about how college life will affect your child or grandchild’s faith. It’s a common concern—and for good reason.

College can be a time of spiritual growth or struggle. The good news? There are ways to help students thrive both spiritually and academically. You can play a key role in encouraging your child or grandchild to love God with their whole heart and mind.

Please join the Global Scholars Leadership Team on April 28 for a live online free event. We’ll talk about how students can grow strong in their faith during college, even when the challenges are tough. This event will be packed with practical advice to help you guide your student toward a faith that lasts.