PROFile – November 2016

There is no greater expression of our unique status as God’s image-bearers than to ask questions and search for answers. In fact, Jesus says the greatest commandment is to love God with all our hearts, souls, strength and minds (Matthew 22:37).


PROFile – October 2016

According to recent reports, Hurricane Matthew has left 572 dead in Haiti as well as leaving much of the country under knee deep, or higher, waters. The entire southern peninsula is cut off from the rest of Haiti due to a major bridge being washed out. Citizens of the nation are trapped in their neighborhoods, many homes are in ruins and food and water are expected to run out soon.


PROFile – September 2016

Students throughout the world are under attack for their faith, values and even their lives. Students like Tuyen, from a country in Asia, who was tricked by relatives into getting into a vehicle that ended up kidnapping her to be someone's bride. She managed to escape, barely surviving a swim across a river to a safe shore.


Annual Report 2016

"Go to all the world and take the Gospel to all the people." - Mark 16:15 In this issue: Growing to Reach More Students, Praises and Prayer Requests, From the President, Financial Summary


PROFile – August 2016

Universities are dangerous to those who seek to control a nation with their brand of radical ideology, whether radical Islam, Marxism or Secularism. It is much harder to control men and women who receive an education and learn to think for themselves. Therefore many see universities as one of the greatest threats to their power. As has often been said, the three square feet behind a university lectern is the most dangerous real estate in a nation!


PROFile – July 2016

In 2011 there were 44 Global Scholars reaching lost students worldwide with the grace and truth of the gospel. Yet we dreamed of the day when there would be 100 Global Scholars reaching students around the globe. So we restructured and retooled the ministry and launched the "Multiply Your Impact" Strategic Plan to reach this goal by June 2016.


PROFile – June 2016

I have great news. As of today there are 98 Global Scholars professors reaching over 14,000 students in 31 nations! We are so close to our goal of 100 Christian professors reaching students worldwide by June 30th.


PROFile – May 2016

Today, throughout the United States believers gather around schools, offices, churches and homes to pray together. We are privileged and blessed to be able to gather together in this way, as so many others in other countries cannot gather publicly. Please pray as we serve together to advance the kingdom of God here on earth.


PROFile – April 2016

“Are there people I respect who endorse this ministry?” This is the question I ask when a ministry invites me to partner in some way. I am always glad when I find a Board of Reference listing those who publicly endorse the ministry.


PROFile – March 2016

"Dave" serves in a European nation with one of the world's highest suicide rates, a nation desperate for the gospeI. He has the privilege of teaching at an influential university in the country, reaching the next generation of leaders with the gospel.


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