I love receiving updates from our professors about their ministry and their students. A recent update we received from “David” demonstrates the profound influence our professors have and, in turn, the influence their students can have. David writes:
As a freshman in college I was introduced to the power of multiplication ministry via 2 Timothy 2:2.–”The things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, entrust these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.”
As David disciples his students, “entrusting” them with God’s truth, he then sends them out “to teach others also.” In his letter David tells how one of the students he discipled is being faithful to “teach others also” back in his home country (a closed Muslim country). David’s student writes:
...On June 16, 2021, I and my five sub-team members started sharing Jesus and praying for the community people. Many people were around us as we proclaimed Jesus…The Lord opened my mouth and I shared about Jesus’ birth, death, resurrection, and hope for the second coming. Then I said that “JESUS” can save you. After that, they asked us to pray for them and especially for their children and we did so. On June 22, 2021, we arranged a program for around 30 community people…. A Christian family offered their house to be our venue. However, after our 40-minute journey to their house, a boy came to us and told us that they no longer wanted people to come in due to the risk of getting COVID…And then suddenly, the ladies whom we have shared Jesus [with] on June 16 came to me and offered their house so that we may share the good news there. We all went to their house and shared the Good News. That day, many people received Christ as their Lord and Savior. To God be the glory! Now I am rejoicing for all of the situations because He is in control. After [studying with you], my wife and I decided to move there to water the seeds and continue to share the Good News among the peoples in our country. I am committed as a slave of Jesus Christ until my death. I will not be ashamed to be afraid to obey the Great Commission among the people because He will give the redemption, restoration, and the passion to follow the Great Commission.”
Please pray for David, his student, and all who hear the good news. May we all have “the passion to follow the Great Commission.”
Thank you for the crucial role you play in equipping professors like David, to entrust God’s truth to their students…and all their students will in turn influence for Christ!
The annual Global Scholars gala is happening soon! The event will be held VIRTUALLY on November 4 at 7:00 pm. Excitement is building and plans are being made for a wonderful time of updates and stories from the field, a silent auction and more. (There is no cost to attend)
You don’t want to miss it.
Sign up below to reserve your spot.
Join us on November 4.
Listen to the October episode of the College Faith podcast. My guest is Roger Hershey, a national traveling speaker and campus ministry consultant with Cru – we’ll discuss being part of God’s greater plan.
In a recent episode of the Thinking Christianly podcast, JP Moreland and I discuss what it means that the Christian Scriptures are “without error.”