I want to let you know about a valuable resource now available: a 10-week discussion guide to The Outrageous Idea of the Missional Professor. It is designed to help pastors encourage Christian professors in their congregations to be salt and light in higher education by leading a 10-week reading group. (Or, if you know a few Christian professors, you could lead a discussion group for them to explore the themes in this book.)
The theme of the book is simple: God is on a mission to redeem and restore this fallen world, and as members of one of the most influential institutions in society, Christian university professors play an important role in this mission! But in order for God to use Christian professors to reach others with the gospel, transform the academy, and meet the needs of the world, they must have:
● A vision of God’s heart for the lost
● An understanding of their purpose and calling under the banner of Christ
● An appreciation for the significance of the university as a culture-shaping institution and mission field
● A desire for Christian wholeness in a fragmented world.
These ideas are “outrageous” because many Christian professors see their work as just a job, not a calling to be a part of God’s redemptive work. And even those professors who are already living missionally on campus need encouragement to “excel still more” (1 Thess. 4:10). In short, all who seek to follow Christ faithfully within the university need God’s guidance, grace, and strength.
Therefore, each chapter of The Outrageous Idea of the Missional Professor engages the various aspects of becoming or excelling as a missional Christian professor, including case studies to make these ideas more tangible. Gathering Christian professors to discuss the ideas in this book will powerfully help them fulfill their calling to make a difference for Christ among their students, colleagues, and academic disciplines.
The study guide is now online here. Please let me know if you, your pastor, or Christian professors find it helpful. We also welcome your suggestions as to how it could be improved.
Thank you for helping to get the word out about this opportunity. I look forward to seeing how God uses this book’s content to spur Christian professors to “love and good deeds” (Heb 10:24), leading to renewal at universities around the world!
For Christ and the university,
My guest in this episode of the College Faith podcast is Dr. Kevin Dougherty, Associate Professor of Sociology at Baylor University. We discuss the field of Sociology as part of my sporadic series on various college majors students may choose. We cover traits that make a person a good sociologist, how sociology has been a help and challenge to Dr. Dougherty’s faith, and more.
In this episode of the Thinking Christianly podcast, J.P. rejoins the podcast! He shares good news about his health and reflects on why he was eager to write the Foreword to Have We Lost Our Minds?: Neuroscience, Neurotheology, the Soul, and Human Flourishing.
Our January prayer calendar is now posted on our website. Download the prayer calendar to pray for professors, students, and current needs in higher education.

How do I leave a lasting legacy? How do I care for loved ones while impacting the causes I care about? What do I need to consider when making an estate plan? Please join us for a special virtual event on February 25 at 8:30 PM EST/7:30 PM CST to explore these questions and other practical ideas to consider when planning for the future.
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