The Outrageous Idea of the Missional Professor

A 10-Week Reading Group for Christian Scholars

Are you a Christian professor sensing God’s call to be “the aroma of Christ” (II Cor. 2:15) on campus and in your academic discipline? If so, gather a few other like-minded professors on campus to discover how God can use you in His work of reconciling all things to Himself (Col. 1:20).

Are you a pastor with Christian professors in your congregation? God has called you to “equip the saints for the work of ministry” (Eph. 4:12), including these dear men and women God has called to the academy. Gather them together and lead a discussion of how God can use them to see “His Kingdom come, His will be done” (Matt. 6:10) in their universities and academic disciplines.

Are you a campus minister who knows Christian professors on campus? You have a unique opportunity to bring them into community and help them explore what it means to be a Christian professor, “proclaiming His excellencies” (I Peter 2:9) among their students, colleagues, and academic disciplines.

Are you a graduate student who is wondering how your faith in Christ and life as an emerging scholar might fit together? The Hebrew word often translated as “worship” (avodah) is also translated as “work.” Your work as a scholar will not be separate from your worship of God–it will be a central expression of your worship! Gather with other Christian graduate students and explore together what this might look like for you.

Are you a friend or neighbor of Christian professors? Why not host a reading group in your home to get to know one another better, encourage them in their work in the university, and discuss how they are an important part of God’s Mission–the “missio Dei.”

If you are any of the above, we invite you to gather and discuss the calling of the Christian professor. We suggest reading together and discussing The Outrageous Idea of the Missional Professor by Paul M. Gould et al. The International Version of The Outrageous Idea of the Missional Professor is available as a free download for members of the Society of Christian Scholars ( You may join the Society as a Full Member (professors), Student Member (graduate students) or a Friend of the Society (pastors, campus ministers, and others).

Here is a suggested reading and discussion schedule:

Week 1:

  • Reading: Introduction – The Outrageous Idea (pages 13-22)
  • Group Discussion:
    • Introductions
    • Your reason(s) for joining this group and your expectations
    • “Questions for Personal Reflection or Group Discussion,” page 22

Week 2:

  • Reading: Chapter 1 – Locating Your Story Within God’s Story (pages 23-36)
  • Group Discussion: “Questions for Personal Reflection or Group Discussion,” page 36

Week 3:

  • Reading: Chapter 2 – A Vision for Wholeness (pages 37-48)
  • Group Discussion: “Questions for Personal Reflection or Group Discussion,” page 48

Week 4:

  • Reading: Chapter 3 – Grasping the Significance of the University (pages 49-59)
  • Group Discussion: “Questions for Personal Reflection or Group Discussion,” page 60

Week 5:

  • Reading: Chapter 4 – The Christian Scholar and The Mind (pages 61-76)
  • Group Discussion: “Questions for Personal Reflection or Group Discussion,” page 76

Week 6:

  • Reading: Chapter 5 – The Christian Scholar and The Heart (pages 77-88)
  • Group Discussion: “Questions for Personal Reflection or Group Discussion,” pages 88-89

Week 7:

  • Reading: Chapter 6 – On Reaching The Campus (pages 91-106)
  • Group Discussion: “Questions for Personal Reflection or Group Discussion,” page 106

Week 8:

  • Reading: Chapter 7 – On Transforming an Academic Discipline (“The Christian Scholar and The Mission of God” and “What is an Academic Discipline?,” pages 107-115)
  • Group Discussion: “Questions for Personal Reflection or Group Discussion,” page 126-27 (Questions 1, 2, 3, 7)

Week 9:

  • Reading: Chapter 7 (continued) – On Transforming an Academic Discipline (“The Anatomy of an Academic Discipline,” “Missional Connections Within an Academic Discipline,” and “Conclusion,” pages 115-126)
  • Group Discussion: “Questions for Personal Reflection or Group Discussion,” page 126-27 (Questions 4, 5, 6, 8)

Week 10:

  • Reading: Chapter 8 – Epilogue (pages 129-132)
  • Group Discussion:
    • What did you find most impactful in our discussions these past few months?
    • How has this book and discussion helped you in fulfilling your calling as a Christian scholar?
    • What is one next step you can take to be more missional on your campus or in your discipline?
    • Might it be helpful for this group, or some sub-set of this group, to continue meeting, perhaps to discuss one of the articles or books Gould lists in the Bibliography (133-140)? (Or, for more readings see the Society of Christian Scholars Resource Library.)

Learn more about Global Scholars here and The Society of Christian Scholars here.