Institutional Partnerships
Collaborating Around Shared Goals and Values
To learn more about our institutional partnerships, tap on each logo.

Global Scholars Canada sends Canadian Christian professors worldwide--both physically and virtually--to have a redemptive influence for Christ. As we meet Canadian Christian professors, we ensure they connect with Global Scholars Canada. In turn, they encourage Christian professors in Canada to take advantage of additional means of being equipped for ministry via the resources we provide through the Society of Christian Scholars.
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The Consortium of Christian Study Centers exists to advance the growth and effectiveness of Christian Study Centers at colleges and universities in the U.S., and increasingly worldwide. Study Centers have as a common aim the integration of Christian faith and learning with life. Global Scholars encourages Christian professors at universities with Study Centers to join these communities. CCSS encourages Christian professors in their communities to join the Society of Christian Scholars, to take advantage of our additional programs, services, and materials.
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FOCUS Kenya is an umbrella body connecting Christian ministries serving various universities and colleges in Kenya. Its mission is to reach and equip students in institutions of higher learning and associates for effective Christian living. Though focused on student ministry, FOCUS staff or students often know Christian professors on their campuses who will benefit from the Society of Christian Scholars' programs, resources, and services.
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InterVarsity/USA's Graduate and Faculty Ministries (IVGFM) helps U.S. professors have a redeeming influence in U.S. higher education. Their primary strategy is developing communities of Christian professors meeting regularly on campuses nationwide, as well as providing resources within the U.S. context. We partner by encouraging US scholars to join IVGFM communities and take advantage of IVGFM resources. IVGFM, in turn, invites Christian professors in the U.S. to take advantage of other programs, resources, and services uniquely offered through the Society of Christian Scholars.
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The Comenius Institute in Prague (KIP) exists to seek, support, and connect scholars integrating the Christian faith and education, following the example of J. A. Comenius (1592-1670), a Czech educator, theologian, and educational philosopher. KIP's primary strategy is academic mentoring and support of Christian academics. Global Scholars directs Christian professors in Europe to KIP for mentoring and other resources they provide in the European context. All scholars involved with KIP are encouraged to join the Society of Christian Scholars for additional programs, services, and resources.
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Crossworld is Global Scholars’ primary sending agency partner, a formative community of disciple-makers from all professions bringing God’s love to life in the world’s least-reached marketplaces.
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The International Network for Christian Higher Education (INCHE) is a global organization of those involved in Christian higher education. INCHE helps professors in Christian colleges and universities to share information and research, equip others with training and scholarship, and cultivate enduring relationships through networking and mutual exchange. These aims are similar to the goals of Global Scholars, as we minister to Christian professors in public/secular academic institutions. Therefore we find many ways to collaborate, especially around the sharing of resources and conferencing.
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The Simeon Network is an academic community of Christian professors, researchers, and support personnel in Australia. It exists to help Australian Christian academics know Christ and make him known in higher education. We partner by encouraging Australian scholars to join the Simeon Network for community and the other programs, services, and resources they provide in the Australian context. Similarly, The Simeon Network encourages Australian scholars to join the Society of Christian Scholars for unique programs, services, and resources we offer through the Society.
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SIM is an international mission organization with more than 4,000 workers serving in more than 70 countries. For Christian academics seeking to teach worldwide, SIM is a partner in the consortium of sending agencies helping Christian professors find opportunities. In turn, Christian professors sent by SIM are encouraged to be equipped for ministry in the academic context through the Society of Christian Scholars' programs, services, and resources.
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